ACT: Education and Advisory Program on Dealing with Antisemitism

Antisemitism occurs as a social phenomenon in various social spaces, including schools. Open, violent acts of aggression against Jews increasingly overlap with more subtle forms of antisemitism that tend to manifest themselves in educational settings. Pedagogical training still overlooks the issue of current antisemitism. As cases of antisemitic discrimination and violence continue to rise, professionals are faced with the challenge of reacting competently to these incidents.

ACT (Acceptance, Commitment, Training) is a training program developed by the Competence Centre for Prevention and Empowerment for teachers and other professionals in formal education to help them deal with current antisemitism. ACT responds to the growing need for effective prevention and reactive pedagogy and offers space for self-reflection, collegial exchange and methodological training. Reflecting on current expressions of antisemitism and practicing principles of antisemitism- critical education and consulting helps participants in their work with young people and in further developing their own pedagogical and consulting methods. ACT helps professionals recognize thematic ambivalences, reassign knowledge, develop practical approaches, and recognize Jewish perspectives on antisemitism, among other things. All ACT seminars are processual, demand-oriented, and based on dialogue and reflection. A reflective engagement with antisemitism fosters the ability to respond to critical situations. ACT can be booked as a single unit or as a 6-day training event.

Additional information

Competence Centre for Prevention and Empowerment
(Kompetenzzentrum für Prävention und Empowerment)
Romina Wiegemann
Head of the Educational Program
Telefon: 030 513 039 88


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