The research project of the study series “Antisemitism in the Context of School” (2020-2021) is being conducted in the state of Thuringia by the Research Department of the Competence Centre in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam under the direction of Marina Chernivsky and Dr. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai and with research assistance by Johanna Schweitzer. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth through its program “Democracy Lives!” and by the Thuringian Institute for Teacher Training, Curriculum Development and Media (ThILLM).
The study focuses on teachers’ and school administrators’ biographically influenced understandings of antisemitism as well as on their descriptions of situations and needs regarding how antisemitism is dealt with in schools. Group discussions and individual narrative interviews are being conducted on the methodological basis of interpretative and reconstructive social research.
The study is guided by the following research questions:
- What do teachers and school administrators associate with antisemitism?
- Which (professional) biographical connections do they recall?
- How do teachers and school administrators perceive antisemitic situations, assaults and structures in schools and how do they describe how they handle them?
- What understanding of antisemitism underlies their respective actions?
- Which needs do teachers explicitly express and which can be derived from their accounts?
- Which practices and intervention approaches are established in schools and which expectations and courses of action are manifested?
Target groups: teachers, schools
Additional information in German
Competence Centre for Prevention and Empowerment
Johanna Schweitzer
Scholarly staff and practical research coordination
Tel: 030 51 30 39 88