Both KIgA e.V. and the Anne Frank Zentrum have developed travelling exhibitions that function as learning sites to address antisemitism in the past and present. They are aimed at different political education target groups. The travelling exhibitions are accompanied by advanced training for educators, available both as online seminars and face-to-face events, and as a peer education resource.
Travelling Exhibitions with Accompanying Educational Resources
In the online seminars that accompany the exhibition “L’Chaim!”, actors from the field of political education and/or social work are sensitized to the diversity of Jewish life in Germany and provided advanced training.
The exhibition “‘Let me be myself. Anne Frank’s life story” is the Anne Frank Zentrum’s smaller travelling exhibition. The exhibition tells the story of Anne Frank’s life and addresses current issues related to identity, belonging, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination.
“Your Anne. A Girl Writes History” is the Anne Frank Zentrum’s larger travelling exhibition. By focusing on the story of Anne Frank’s life, it encourages a confrontation with antisemitism, racism and discrimination today. The peer education pedagogical approach is central to the exhibition.
The Anne Frank Centre implements historical political education programs within the prison system: In addition to presenting the travelling exhibition “‘Let me be myself.’ Anne Frank’s life story”, the centre organizes accompanying historical political education workshops against antisemitism and offers networking and professional exchange formats for educators.