Advisory Service Against Antisemitic Hate Speech on the Internet

Resentment against Jews is often expressed in hate comments published online, especially on social media and in the comment section of news portals. The Anne Frank Educational Centre advises individuals and institutions that are affected by this, such as theatres, museums, municipal institutions, universities, or journalistic portals, and helps them develop strategies to deal with antisemitic comments.

In most cases, antisemitic comments lie just above the threshold of criminal relevance, which makes it difficult for institutions to respond adequately. An uncertainty often exists as to which comments can be left online as part of a pluralistic platform of opinions and which should be deleted or commented on. Advisory services, provided by the social media department and pedagogical team of the Anne Frank Educational Centre, can be used both for intervention and prevention. The aim is to help institutions and individuals respond confidently to antisemitic hate speech.

Target groups: institutions and individuals affected by online hate speech

Anne Frank Educational Centre
Tom Uhlig

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