In the field of antisemitism prevention, KIgA offers actors from the fields of political education and social work online seminars on the exhibition “L’Chaim – Auf das Leben: Discovering the Diversity of Jewish Life” and also on the accompanying educational and online resources.
The travelling exhibition shows the wide range of Jewish life in Berlin. It is aimed at a diverse audience, especially young people. To make the topic more accessible, an extensive educational resource was developed to accompany the exhibition. An online version of this workshop is also available. This resource can be used in schools and other educational institutions that are not in a position to present the exhibition. To make the exhibition accessible to an audience that speaks little or no German, the exhibition has been designed in three languages: German, English and Arabic. All the films shown in the exhibition are available in these three languages, as is the other content, such as introductory texts, biographies and glossary. Information on the exhibition is available in German on the exhibition website.
Target groups: educators, teachers, and people personally affected
Additional information
KigA e.V.
Joachim Seinfeld
Culture, project management of L‘Chaim
Tel: 0178 429 98 88