Handbook and Advanced Training on “Dealing with Antisemitism in Primary School”

Antisemitic prejudice, discrimination and knowledge are widespread in society. Even children of primary school age are frequently confronted with antisemitic statements and images – albeit mostly incidentally and unintentionally. Until now, there has been little material available to help educators deal proactively with antisemitism and respond to antisemitic incidents in primary school.

The Anne Frank Zentrum, in cooperation with the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family in Berlin, has produced a “Handbook on Dealing with Antisemitism in Primary Schools”. The handbook can be ordered from the Anne Frank Zentrum or downloaded online from the Centre’s website. The handbook provides brief background information and many practical tips on topics such as Jewish life today, antisemitic prejudice and discrimination, and the Holocaust. The central themes of the handbook are presented in the online seminar and the participants are given the opportunity to test selected methods together.

Target groups: educators, pedagogical professionals

Additional information


Anne Frank Zentrum
Robert Zenker
Consultant for Education and Action Week Against Antisemitism
Tel: 030 288 86 56 29
E-Mail: zenker@annefrank.de