Travelling Exhibition and Historical Political Education in the Prison System

The Anne Frank Centre implements historical political education programs within the prison system: In addition to presenting the travelling exhibition “‘Let me be myself.’ Anne Frank’s life story”, the centre organizes accompanying historical political education workshops against antisemitism and offers networking and professional exchange formats for educators.

The educational programs offered in prisons reach young people who because of their life situation are often denied political education opportunities. Through the peer education approach, the exhibition presentations function as participation projects for the young prisoners; they promote a sensitivity for and discussion of antisemitism, racism, and other forms of discrimination while also strengthening the participants’ social skills. The Anne Frank Zentrum also offers accompanying workshops for young prisoners to help them deal with antisemitism and other forms of discrimination. It also offers networking and professional exchange programs for educators working in the field and employees working in prisons.

Additional information

Anne Frank Zentrum
Roman Guski
Project head “Political Education in Prisons”
Tel: 030 288 86 56 34